
Planned Giving

Planned Giving

We invite you to create your own personal legacy by supporting Maryknoll School through a bequest or other planned gift. Planned gifts provide a lasting gift to the school and are an opportunity to give back to Maryknoll and at the same time take into account your family’s needs. Your gift can go into our school endowment fund or you can create a named endowed scholarship. Whichever you choose, all gifts embody the meaning of Noblesse Oblige.

List of 7 frequently asked questions.

  • IRA Charitable Rollover

    If you’re 70 ½ years old or older, an IRA charitable rollover is a smart way to make a tax-free outright gift to Maryknoll School using your qualified retirement plan. This gift may also satisfy your required minimum distribution (RMD).

    If you have a traditional individual retirement account (IRA) and are age 70½ years or older, you can give up to a total of $100,000 per year from your IRA(s) to your favorite charities without being taxed on the distribution. Your IRA funds must be transferred directly to the charity and no goods or services may be received in exchange for your gift.
  • Life Insurance

    If you have a paid-up life insurance policy that your family no longer needs, please consider donating it to Maryknoll School.  You will receive an immediate income tax deduction based on the current value of the policy.  Contact your life insurance provider to make Maryknoll School the owner and beneficiary of your paid-up policy.

    You can also designate Maryknoll School as a partial, full or contingent beneficiary of your life insurance policy. You will continue to own and can make use of the policy during your lifetime. Your estate may benefit from an estate tax charitable deduction.
  • Real Estate

    Donating appreciated real estate, such as a home, vacation property, undeveloped land, farmland, ranch or commercial property can make a great gift to Maryknoll School.
  • Stocks and Bonds

    Donating appreciated securities, including stocks or bonds, is an easy and tax-effective way for you to make a gift to Maryknoll School.
  • Retirement Assets

    A retirement plan beneficiary designation costs you nothing during your lifetime, but can provide a significant future gift to the school.  You can minimize tax consequences to your heirs and maximize giving to Maryknoll School by designating Maryknoll School as a full, partial or contingent beneficiary of your retirement assets (IRA, 401(k), 403(b) or pension).  When individuals withdraw funds from a retirement account, they must pay income tax on the distribution.  Because Maryknoll School is a tax-exempt organization, it will benefit from the full value of your gift.

    Your plan administrator can provide you with a beneficiary form. You can indicate whether you want to leave all or a percentage of your retirement plan assets to charity.
  • Noblesse Oblige Legacy Society

    A Commitment to Maryknoll

    We invite you to create your own personal legacy by supporting Maryknoll School through a bequest or other planned gift.  Planned gifts provide a lasting gift to the school and are an opportunity to give back to Maryknoll and at the same time take into account your family’s needs.  Your gift can go into our school endowment fund or you can create a named endowed scholarship.  Whichever you choose, all gifts embody the meaning of Noblesse Oblige.

    Regardless of the size of your planned gift, you will be invited to become a member of the Noblesse Oblige Society.  Membership allows us to express our gratitude to those who have made a planned gift and to recognize the leadership of those whose philanthropy is an inspiration to others.
    As a member of the Society, you not only have the satisfaction of knowing your gift will create a personal lasting legacy, but you will also be invited to special events throughout the school year, including a dinner with the school president.  You will also be listed in the Knoller as a member of the Society, unless you prefer to remain anonymous.

    • Mr. Paul '57 and Mrs. Yvonne Chinen
    • Mrs. Jeanne Amlin '58 Duggan
    • Mr. Roger and Mrs. Maureen Higa
    • Mr. Galen Ho '63 and Mrs. Patricia Ching '63 Ho
    • Dr. Norine Lau '66 Jalbert
    • Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Kosasa
    • Dr. and Mrs. Gabriel W.C. Ma
    • Ms. Cary Jane Miller '64
    • Mrs. Lucile Smith '37 Mistysyn
    • Mr. Jim and Mrs. Yvonne '63 Morris
    • Mrs. Nadine Jeremiah '57 Olinger
    • Mrs. Nobuko Ono
    • Dr. Rita S. Rapoza '61 and Mr. John L. Eidem
    • Mrs. Valerie Sorensen '63 and Mr. David Sorensen
    • Mr. Ernest Spencer '61 and Mrs. Sara Duncan
    • Mrs. Shana Campos '83 Tong and Mr. Rodney Tong
    • Mr. Don '58 and Mrs. Maxine Vickery '58
    • Mr. Derrick Wong '68 and Mrs. Carol Kwak '68 Wong
    • Dr. and Mrs. Livingston M.F. Wong '48
    • Mr. Stacey Wong '70 and Mrs. Lorena Wong
  • Bequest

    A charitable bequest is one of the easiest and most flexible ways that you can leave a gift to Maryknoll School that will make a lasting impact.

    With the help of an advisor, you can include language in your will or trust specifying a gift to be made to Maryknoll School as part of your estate plan.

    In addition to adding bequest language to your will or living trust, a simple way to leave something for Maryknoll School is to designate the school as a beneficiary of a retirement plan, brokerage or bank account, or life insurance policy.
Thank you for considering our charitable gift opportunities to support Maryknoll School. Please contact Budd Lauer at or call us at 808-952-7310.

If you have already included a gift for Maryknoll School in your will or estate plan, please let us know. We would like to thank you and ensure that your gift will be used as you intend. Most importantly, we’d like to welcome you to our Noblesse Oblige Society.
1526 Alexander St.
Honolulu, HI 96822
Tel: 808.952.8400